UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

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UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda Andy » gio gen 24, 2013 10:32 pm

Comincia cosí l'intervista dei fan ad i Sigur su reddit.com
Kjartan has left the band, is that true?
]WeAreSigurRos[ Yes he has left the band. He said he spent his life in the band and it was time to do something different.

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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda EllPampa » gio gen 24, 2013 10:41 pm

E' proprio ufficiale questa cosa?
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Iscritto il: gio gen 24, 2013 10:39 pm

Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda Andy » gio gen 24, 2013 10:52 pm

E' già da un po' che la cosa era ufficiosa, in quanto non ha partecipato allo scorso tour estivo, ma ora che il nuovo album è in registrazione, senza la sua presenza, la notizia sembrava ineluttabile ... e infatti questa dicihiarazione è rilasciata proprio dalla band ...SI' E' UFFICIALE!
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Iscritto il: mer lug 09, 2008 12:16 am
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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda Alien Entity » gio gen 24, 2013 11:07 pm

Potrei stare ore a scrivere a riguardo, ma riassumendo... I Sigur Rós che amiamo sono nati quando Kjartan è entrato nel gruppo e se non fosse stato per lui molto probabilmente oggi nessuno di noi li conoscerebbe. Grazie a Kjartan sono nati capolavori immortali. La sua assenza a Villafranca ha portato conseguenze quasi tragiche.
Bisogna però vedere la situazione dal loro punto di vista: la formazione che oggi rimpiangiamo, nel corso di 4 anni è riuscita a produrre solamente un album di vecchi scarti e registrazioni manipolati in studio da Alex. Questo purtroppo significa che Kjartan non aveva più nulla da esprimere all'interno del gruppo e stasera ne è arrivata conferma (anche se era ormai inutile confermare).
Quindi per quando tragica sia l'uscita di scena di Kjartan, penso sia un avvenimento fondamentale per il futuro dei Sigur Rós. È la scossa che serviva agli altri per riattivare i loro spiriti creativi, per ricominciare a creare musica come solo loro sanno fare. L'anteprima della versione studio di Brennisteinn è secondo me stupenda, originale, l'Ep e l'album si preannunciano nuovi capolavori. Con o senza Kjartan sono sicuro che continuerò ad amare questi rinati Sigur Rós e sono contento per ogni singolo euro che ho speso per il biglietto del concerto di Febbraio.
E adesso ritorno ad ascoltare in loop eterno l'anteprima di Brennisteinn :bigclap:
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Alien Entity
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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda aleinn á ný » gio gen 24, 2013 11:40 pm

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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda ottuT » ven gen 25, 2013 10:15 am

thank you for the q&a session, we had fun. now back to mixing the new album. here's a snippet of new stuff, hope you enjoy.

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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda Fljotavik » ven gen 25, 2013 12:04 pm

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....... si sapeva, ma speravo fino all'ultio ci ripensasse. Vedremo come sarà questa nuovo inizio sigurrossiano.
PS: e spero vivamente che Kjartan si metta a comporre colonne sonore sul serio. ;)
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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda RhumOnTheTable » ven gen 25, 2013 2:24 pm

ehm...dov'è la novità?
Ginger Rogers faceva le stesse identiche cose di Fred Astaire, ma all'indietro e coi tacchi a spillo.
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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda RhumOnTheTable » ven gen 25, 2013 2:26 pm

Alien Entity ha scritto:Bisogna però vedere la situazione dal loro punto di vista: la formazione che oggi rimpiangiamo, nel corso di 4 anni è riuscita a produrre solamente un album di vecchi scarti e registrazioni manipolati in studio da Alex. Questo purtroppo significa che Kjartan non aveva più nulla da esprimere all'interno del gruppo

ettecredo, non c'era. ;)
Ginger Rogers faceva le stesse identiche cose di Fred Astaire, ma all'indietro e coi tacchi a spillo.
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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda sigurlotus » ven gen 25, 2013 2:59 pm

RhumOnTheTable ha scritto:ehm...dov'è la novità?

Non lo avevano mai dichiarato apertamente Pino.

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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda carlomatt » ven gen 25, 2013 4:35 pm

sigurlotus ha scritto:
RhumOnTheTable ha scritto:ehm...dov'è la novità?

Non lo avevano mai dichiarato apertamente Pino.

Finora avevano risposto come i nostri politici alla domanda: "Aumenterete le tasse?"
"Parlare di musica è come ballare di architettura" (Frank Zappa)
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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda josa1111 » ven gen 25, 2013 6:46 pm

Stava arrivando, ho avuto due ipotesi, che separavano il gruppo o un membro lascia il gruppo.
Vengo de un mundo nuevo y enloquecido.

io vengo da Un nuovo mondo impazzito.

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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda Fljotavik » ven gen 25, 2013 7:31 pm

Non so se son tutte le domande (e risposte) fatte ai Sigur, ma intanto beccatevi queste:

At the end of Ekki Mukk, the piano recording is the most beautiful, delicately recorded sound I've ever heard. I noticed a few changes in where notes appear in the stereo field, and these change between two different stereo images of the piano. Would it be possible to explain how you recorded it so delicately, and the stereo image changes of the piano, what that was for?
It's a beautiful album, and I'm seeing you Manchester at the beginning of March. Really hoping to meet you. Apologies for the technical question!

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 208 points 1 hour ago
we recorded that song individually. so everybody had to play their piano part in the studio while the other ones waited outside in the car and smoking cigarettes and couldn't hear what the other ones where doing ... then we listen back to the mess and sort out the nice things ... we like to play with accidents in music ... something that happens accidentally and is not planned ... is sometimes the best thing ..

Wait, Sigur Ros, aren't you describing the process of recording Fjogur Piano? OP was asking about Ekki Mukk.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 164 points 52 minutes ago
oh shit, yess you are right ... sorry about that ... hahaha ...

What really happened in the last show in México?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 361 points 1 hour ago
Hello! Orri here. I had been getting these weird headaches for a few days before the show and i just managed to get through the show in Guadalajara with the help of painkillers. In Tepoztlan it was too much for me and everything went black and i passed out. My head was checked and I was and am fine. I guess it had something to do with stress or altitude. I felt really bad about having to leave the stage.
Just wanted to thank you for making some fine music.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 316 points 1 hour ago
thank you for listening

Will Heima ever be released on Blu-ray format? It is a beautiful release that must see the light of day in hi-def.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 439 points 1 hour ago
Yes hopefully. We talked to Dean the director and he is working on it.
How do you deal with the boredom of touring?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 811 points 1 hour ago
Get drunk :)

The best concert experience I've ever been to was 2008 in Berkeley at the Greek. Rain had been predicted for the evening, but none started until the encore. As the song started mist began to form and it all led to the climax of the song. The heavens opened up and it POURED, the crowd lost it.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 35 points 29 minutes ago
one of our all time favorite moment also ...

Kjartan has left the band, is that true?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 377 points 1 hour ago
Yes he has left the band. He said he spent half his life in the band and it was time to do something different.
Who are 2 or 3 Icelandic bands or musicians you like right now and would recommend?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 92 points 1 hour ago
sin fang

Couple questions, what was it like finding out Starálfur would be used in the Life Aquatic? This might not have been the first use of your music in film and I know it wasn't your last, but I really love that scene and would be curious to know your initial reaction seeing it.
Your music is definitely cinematic by nature. Do you have any scoring / soundtrack projects in the works?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 129 points 1 hour ago
It did really fit well in there yes. We were very happy with the result. No scoring projects at the moment since we are very busy working on a new album and touring at the same time.

Any chance of coming back to new Zealand one day? The show in 2006 was amazing

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 86 points 1 hour ago
That would be amazing. We really do hope we can go back there.

Jonsi et al, Will you marry me?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 407 points 1 hour ago
Photo please.

The language that your songs are sung is not icelandic, but rather a vocal language with no special meaning. Is there any rules for that language or is it what comes in mind at the time?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 489 points 1 hour ago
in the past i used to sing with just sounds that fitted best to the song and melody and it is probably the most natural way of singing, but maybe too repetitive ... and also lazyness of writing lyrics ... hehehe ...

I think it's actually brilliant. The fact that your songs are in a foreign language is captivating. It makes your material seem otherworldly and very mysterious/intriguing/heavenly. Not restricting the vocals to a language allows people who understand the lyrics to experience this same phenomenon, and it probably gives a lot more freedom for the melody.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 136 points 1 hour ago
No, It´s in Icelandic.

What actually happened at Bestival?
I know you said was a bad gig for you, but my friends, my brother, and I were right at the front after waiting six years to see you live (and having waited all day at the front - and it was my birthday (you seem to have made a nice coincidence of playing on my birthday... on my 22nd I saw Jónsi live at Leeds O2 Academy!), and we were in awe. Sigur Rós was the sole reason we travelled all the way from Northern England to the Isle of Wight! We realised the issues with the bass and sound crew, but you blew us away completely with your set and presence up there - and the man in the crowd to my left who got Jónsi's bow actually started crying with happiness!
I can't wait to see you live on your first Brixton date in the UK, you must hear it often, but you create, by far, the best music, art, and imagery of any band I have ever listened to and witnessed.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 84 points 1 hour ago
There were a lot of issues, mainly technical problems... things not working on stage.

What's your favorite song to perform live?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 314 points 1 hour ago

Poppsong... After a long show it´s good to end on something energetic like that.

Who's running the website, twitter, facebook accounts, ...? Can we say hi and thank you to him/her/them?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 33 points 40 minutes ago
Darren and Bjossi are at the helm. They don't sleep.

I love the song Sæglópur. I want you to acknowledge my existence!

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 131 points 43 minutes ago
You have been acknowledged.

I write my music almost entirely by ear and I'll experiment with different harmonic structures before deciding what I like. What does the song creation process look like for you? Does it require a lot of experimenting with the band before putting it down to paper?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 124 points 1 hour ago
it happens quite naturally and effortlessly ... we just jam in the rehearsal space and come up with something we all like ... we do everything by ear and don't even know what these black and white keyes on the piano are called? and we never put anything down on paper ... just keep it in our small brains before it shrinks any further ...

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 46 points 1 hour ago
There is a lot of experimenting yes but nothing goes down on paper... just tape.

[–]B_MCC 29 points 2 hours ago

whos idea was it to put Shia LeBoeuf's wang in the video?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 94 points 45 minutes ago
I think it was probably his idea.

How do you guys choose which questions to respond to on Reddit?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 28 points 39 minutes ago
i think its pretty random.....so many questions coming in.

Jonsi, as someone with certain dietary choices, how do you find being on tour and also being a raw vegan?
Are there any plans for another Jonsi & Alex record?
I'm thinking about spending some time in Iceland: what time of the year would be the best to visit?
What are some of your favourite books?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 157 points 1 hour ago
i used to be raw food vegan but stopped it when i started touring. i found it to be so antisocial in my hotel room with my blender making a green soup when everybody else was out eating somewhere ... but im mos def gonna go back on raw food diet someday ... makes you lighter and more creative ...
yeah it would be fun to do another jonsi and alex album ... we are throwing around some ideas in the kitchen between courses ...
all year around, different experiences ...

I've just heard Kjartan left the band.Is it true? Could you tell us why he left, if you are sad about it, if you had an argument with him, if you have made sugery on yourselves to add extra hands to play the keyboards on stage??

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 37 points 1 hour ago
Kjartan has left yes but all on a good note. He wanted to leave for some time. We have added some extra hands but thats also because we use a lot of instruments on the albums and we can´t play them all at the same time live. We want the live experience to be as good as possible.
Now that Kjartan has decided to spend time with his family, and since he was (what i've understood) the one with the most experience of composing, will there be any major changes to the sound of Sigur Rós?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 119 points 1 hour ago
There will be changes yes, but not only because Kjartan has left. We always try to evolve and make things interesting.

Where do you guys see yourselves in 10 years?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 366 points 1 hour ago
Ten years older.

I know practice makes perfect, and i'm really inspired by your work, but how did you become such successful musicians?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 82 points 1 hour ago
Sticking to it and a lot of luck. and a lot of work

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 64 points 1 hour ago

[–]Mind-Reflections 13 points 2 hours ago
Hey Guys, I'm going to be in Iceland the week of February 4-11, right before you embark on your European tour. Any chance you guys are playing any secret or hometown shows that I could see when I visit your Country?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 14 points 22 minutes ago
Nothing like that planed no.

To Jonsi: Are you considering releasing another solo album? Go is one of my favourite albums.
Can't wait to see you guys in March!!!

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 132 points 1 hour ago
Yes, maybe, would be fun ... just going to plough through this crazy year of touring with signor rossi

Did you ever see Bobby Fischer around Reykjavik? What did you think of him?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 43 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Genius chess player.

At a climax during the show, the camera focused and the birds took flight. It's a long shot, but do you know who made this video? I'd just like to check out more of their stuff.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 24 points 34 minutes ago
we did it ourselves

I host a radio show in Vancouver and I have seen a lot of concerts over the years and Sigur Ros in Vancouver both times has by far been the best. Why no Vancouver dates on both of Sigur Ros' last visits to North America? We love you here...

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 93 points 1 hour ago
We are coming to Vancouver this year. Just has not been announced.

First of all, thank you so much for doing this! I waited for 5 hours at Lollapalooza this year to be in the 3rd row for you guys, and it was such an breathtaking experience. Your music is so powerful and has helped me through a lot.
Second, what is your process for writing your music? Any plans of doing more film competitions?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 34 points 1 hour ago
Thank you very much. We really enjoyed that show.
The process varies almost with every record.
No film competitions at the moment but it was very interesting.

What is the best Icelandic drinking game?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 73 points 36 minutes ago
Stick a bottle of brennivín up your behind and stand on your hands.

How come there is not a South American Leg of the tour? Don't you have plans to come to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico???

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 46 points 1 hour ago
we are trying to make it work in december this year

[–]dutrx 5 points 1 hour ago
We miss you since Free Jazz in Rio de Janeiro/Sao Paulo Hope so (((:

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 33 points 1 hour ago
We are working on that. We will most certainly come to South America later this year.

If you could go back to the very beginning of the band's existence, would you do anything differently?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 199 points 1 hour ago

Hello from Canada!

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 91 points 1 hour ago
Hello Canada.

Will you ever come back to Mexico? We were there with great expectations at the Colmena Fest in 2008 near Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico. But you may remember Orri got sick! Seeing you performed would've make up for the lousy organization. Either way, we missed you on that one. We'd love to see you performing around here! :) when will you come back.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 27 points 1 hour ago
hoping to come this year.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 11 points 23 minutes ago
We are working on getting back to Mexico. Yes I do remember Orri getting sick, it was pretty scary.

Do you like sushi?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 16 points 25 minutes ago
oh yes

[–]this_is_not_the_cia 38 points 2 hours ago
What was the biggest influence on your musical career?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 135 points 1 hour ago
When I was a kid I wanted to learn how to play the vibraphone and I went to the music school in Seltjarnarnes. The teacher told me that I had to start by playing the drums for one year before touching the vibes. I agreed to that and really got into drumming. Later i found out that the school didn´t have a vibraphone and the teacher was just trying to get me into the school. So I was tricked into playing drums.
Sæll! Many musicians choose to forsake their native language and sing in English to make it “big”. You (thankfully) didn’t make that choice. What would you say to folks that believe that you must sing in English to make it internationally? (Takk fyrir tónlist!)

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 32 points 1 hour ago
Just stick to what you feel most comfortable with, and be true to yourself.

[–]Ecresis 15 points 2 hours ago
Do you plan to tour with a choir and full orchestra one day ?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 29 points 1 hour ago
Haha probably not.

I've seen you twice this summer and I was a little sad that Valtari was not really present in the pacing of the show. Can we expect more songs of Valtari for the 2013 tour?!
You guys are awesome, I love you sooooo much! I will be there for both Montreal and Toronto shows in march, I can not wait! xx

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 30 points 57 minutes ago
It´s almost impossible to re-create live most of those songs. But there will be more new songs surfacing this year.

[–]jackory 12 points 2 hours ago
Is Kjartan planning to compose/record on his own? We will miss him.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 27 points 50 minutes ago
He is planing to compose on his own yes.

Will you tell us about your most recent elf sighting?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 70 points 35 minutes ago
Björk on the main street.

Is jonsi's les paul modded all to hell? looks like a PRS neck or something?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 18 points 32 minutes ago
its a homemade guitar that one of our guitar tech did ... its a mixture of les paul and an old ibanez guitar and the shape is easier to play with a bow ...

When can we expect your next album to be released?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 80 points 1 hour ago
this year. we are writing these answers from the studio in los angeles right now!

If you had been Eden Hazard last night would you have kicked the ball boy?
Why has there been a lack of info on whether Kjartan had left the group or not?
Ronaldo or Messi?
permalinkreportgive goldreply

That was very dumb of him but I think he and the ball boy should have gotten the red card.
He has left the band.
Messi of course.

Really enjoyed all the VALTARI shorts - brilliant collaborative concept with both established filmmakers and fans. Any future ideas and plans for other such interesting projects? P.S wouldn't expect you guys to simply repeat anything!

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 24 points 52 minutes ago
I enjoyed that too. No plans at the moment but it would be fun to do something like that again.

[–]greenplasticron 10 points 2 hours ago

What was it like working with Radiohead on the Split Sides collaboration and can we expect to see any upcoming collaborations from the both of you?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 14 points 31 minutes ago
There was not much collaboration, in fact that was the whole idea of split sides. No was to know what the other person was doing... not even the dancers. No collaboration has been planned.

WeAreSigurRos[S] 10 points 12 minutes ago
Georg is staying on for a while longer. Bye.

Along with being a huge Sigur Rós fan, I'm also a big fan of record collecting. I own all of Sigur Rós' albums on vinyl with the exception of one, Takk. I'm not sure if you are aware, but Takk is pretty rare to find these days and frequently sells for over $100 online....
we are going to fix the lack of vinyl thing.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 22 points 12 minutes ago
okay....we have to go back to work now. its been fun talking to you.

Did the goldfish from the Ég anda video survive?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 5 points 6 minutes ago
I actually don´t know. I hope so.

[–]figugi 2 points 2 hours ago
which one is your personal favourite from Valtari experiment?

[–]strineGreen 3 points 2 hours ago*Q: I assume big part of your audience and fans does not understand Icelandic/hopelandic, how do you feel about that?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 14 points 21 minutes ago
I think people understand the music and the lyrics are only expressing what is already there.

[–]jamesthomas34 6 points 2 hours ago
First off, having the opportunity to ask my favorite band a question on my birthday is the greatest birthday gift ever. My question for you is: Do you have any plans to reprint “Takk...” on vinyl? It is my favorite album of all time and I wasn't able to get a hold of one of the 1,000 copies made.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 8 points 22 minutes ago
i'm sure there were more than 1000 copies made but we do plan to make it available on vinyl again at some point in the future....

[–]Goldblumz 3 points 2 hours ago
Will you be appearing at the Glastonbury Festival in Somerset, England this June? It's been 10 years since your last appearance there and we sorely miss you guys!

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 8 points 23 minutes ago

Varúð is my favorite song of yours. I was wondering what the story was behind that song, and what it means to you?
(P.S. I can’t wait to see you in New York City in March!)

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 5 points 9 minutes ago
We wrote Varúð originally for a film but it was not used in the end. We re-worked it a bit and found that it fitted rather nicely on the album.

[–]TheForrester7k 3 points 2 hours ago
What did you think of playing Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado? In my opinion there are few better places in the world to see you.

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 8 points 25 minutes ago
That was a very memorable show.

Has Kjartan left the band now officially?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes he has.

Will Óðinn's Raven Magic ever be released?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 9 points 1 hour ago
I hope so... don´t really know why it hasn´t already.

Why do you never play se lest in concerts ?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 6 points 1 hour ago
We used to. We try to change things up every once in a while. Otherwise it would become boring. I guess we are just a bit bored of Se lest at the moment.

Do any of you think you would be able to cut off your own arm? Also which band member would you eat first if you had to resort to cannibalism?

[–]WeAreSigurRos[S] 14 points 1 hour ago
It´s hard to imagine a situation where you would have to cut off your own hand, but people do incredible things in desperate situations. I think I would eat Jónsi first... he´s raised on the healthiest diet.

Oh thou that bowest thy ecstatic face
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Iscritto il: dom lug 27, 2008 4:10 pm
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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda sigurlotus » ven gen 25, 2013 7:37 pm

Non sono proprio tutte tutte, però :ok:
grazie Max.

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Iscritto il: sab nov 22, 2008 10:04 pm
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Re: UFFICIALE - Kjartan has left the band? Yes

Messaggioda Untitled3 » sab gen 26, 2013 6:11 pm

vabbe' pace... gli li artisti sono così, sinceramente per quanto mi possa dispiacere non mi sconvolge per niente.
Avrà avuto tutte le sue ragioni, piuttosto che continuare a stare per forza in un gruppo senza voglia o ispirazione meglio che vada per la sua strada. I Sigur Ros rimangono una delle cose più belle che il genere umano sia stato in grado di concepire.
"I Sigur Rós? dei Vangelis per tardoliceali." (cit)

Quelli dei Sigur Rós non sono concerti, sono esperienze ultrasensoriali mistiche.
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